Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Mayhem Must Stop!

Philadelphia has suffered another senseless murder: the seventh police officer killed in the line of duty since 2006.
Seven officers killed in less than three years. Seven!
Six of these seven killings occurred in the past 15 months.
The killer had nine prior arrests. He was due in court on Wednesday on charges including receiving stolen property and unauthorized use of a motor vehicle stemming from an arrest in September. In the mid-1990s, records show, the he was also arrested on theft and robbery charges and for illegally carrying a gun. He was given a 5- to 10-year sentence in 1997.
Officer John Pawlowski, 25 (pictured) was struck multiple times. He leaves his young wife who is pregnant with their first child.
Once again, Mayor Michael Nutter has expressed his anger, disgust and outrage over the killing. And the Mayor has railed against handguns.
But this is not enough.
The Mayor and the entire justice system must address the problem. This includes the courts and the judges who are charged with keeping criminals off the streets.
When it gets to the point where people do not fear the police and indeed, criminals freely kill officers of the law and brazenly rule the streets, this is too much. Criminals are now emboldened and there seems to be no end in sight.
Urgent memo to Nutter: It's not enough to be angry. Tell us what you're doing about the problem, Mr. Mayor. Where is your plan? What are you and Police Chief Ramsey actually doing? When and how will we see an end to this mayhem?


  1. These are awkward posts to make. Time's like these are normally reserved for mourning and remembrance. I, however, think retribution and future avoidance should be first in thought. It's time to eliminate the endless rules and regulations and let police officers do their job. The politicians making the laws are never the one's on the front lines. The phrase, "Shoot first, ask questions later" is dismissed as reckless and ignorant. I think what is really ignorant is watching that long procession slowly work it's way to the cemetery to lay to rest another fallen hero and not doing something about it. Forget words Mr. Governor and Mr. Mayor, now is a time for action.


    This has become a far too normal situation here in Philly. Prayer's are with Officer Pawloski's wife, family and friends.

  2. Someone said: No one wants to live in a town where criminals are no longer afraid of the police.
    It's true.
    The longer this is allowed to continue, the worse it will be for Philadelphia.
    Whether people want to admit it or not (and we've become all too complacent) this WILL destroy the farbic of the city. Philadelphia will become the next Detroit.
    How many will have to die before bold, decisive action is taken?
