Sunday, February 8, 2009

Homage To Blossom Dearie

The death of the great Blossom Dearie represents a huge loss to the world of sophisticated song.
Blossom Dearie was a singer, pianist and song writer known for her little girl voice, jazzy piano arrangements and unique phrasing. She died on Saturday at her apartment in Greenwich Village. She was 82.
She sang standards, Broadway show tunes and unusual offbeat songs and she made every song distinctively hers. She was a fixture in small jazz clubs and the intimate world of cabaret. Along with a few others (including the legendary Mabel Mercer) she helped define the term "cafe society." Her signature songs included "I'm Hip" and "Peel Me A Grape," among others. In these songs she mocked social climbers and poseurs in a style that expressed sophisticated contempt. It would be an understatment to say that Blossom Dearie was a true original.

To discover Blossom Dearie on You Tube, click here.

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