Monday, February 9, 2009

119 Million Scoundrels?

From Moe Lane at Red State:
Obama: 119,000,000 Americans unpatriotic.
Well, it’s like this. When you
compliment three Republican Senators for planning to vote for your debt bill, and you make that compliment using the term “patriotic,” it then follows that you are implying that the people who aren’t voting for said bill are unpatriotic. From that, it follows that the people who don’t support the bill are unpatriotic, too. There are roughly 300 million people in this country: CBS News told us that 39% of them (and rising) don’t support the Democrats’ debt bill. That works out to 119 million people who aren’t patriotic enough for the President of the United States.
Note that I’m being nice in my choice of polls, here.
Rasmussen says that Obama’s unpatriotic list would be somewhere around 129 million; Gallup has it at 51 million outright traitors, and 111 million of doubtful loyalties. And that’s just this week; how many traitors will there be the next?

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