Monday, February 9, 2009

Obama Artist Stole Image

From Andrew Breitbart at the Washington Times:
Can we all agree that the "hope, "change" and "transparency" part of the Barack Obama media carnival is officially over, and it's finally time that we start holding our new president accountable?
Consider the tale of the ubiquitous "Hope" poster that helped get Mr. Obama worshipped, inoculated and elected — and the anti-capitalist street artist who "created" it.
Shepard Fairey last week was sued for copyright infringement by the Associated Press, which claims he stole photographer Manny Garcia's work and made it the basis of the iconic off-red, white and blue posters whose signed editions are being sold on eBay for thousands of dollars.
If found guilty — a liberal application of "fair use" law could protect Mr. Fairey — we have a case of the white man stealing from an ethnic minority in order to turn a quick profit. (I thought an Obama presidency would automatically end such practices.)
Chinese, Latin American and former Soviet Communist artists may also have a claim against Mr. Fairey, whose style is brazenly ripped off from the propaganda campaigns of totalitarian states. If regimes that murdered tens of millions of innocent human beings can be so revered and redeemed, can the swastika be reappropriated, too?

1 comment:

  1. Well, the swastika is a sacred symbol in for millions of Hindus. IT was stolen by Hitler because of its mystical nature. So I guess it all depends in how you look at the world.
