Monday, February 9, 2009

Steele Packs Sunday Punch!

From Ashley Southall at the New York Times:
Michael Steele, the newly appointed chairman of the Republican National Committee, made his first appearance on the Sunday talk shows since becoming the party’s leader, taking on Democrats and defending his own name.
Mr. Steele, who appeared on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” called the Obama administration’s spending “out of balance” as he continued his brass-knuckles opposition to Democrats and their plans for the economy. After Lawrence H. Summers, the top White House economic adviser, suggested earlier on the program that the Republican party was impotent to handle the economy, Mr. Steele called those comments “laughable.”
“He acts like we have spent the last eight years in the mess that we’re currently in,” Mr. Steele said. “This is about 18 months old. The reality of it is, Bush inherited a recession. He got us through that recession.”
“And I didn’t hear anything from Mr. Summers that assured me or reassured me that this administration gets it when it comes to how you create wealth in this nation,” he added.

I find it amusing that the Times refers to Chairman Steel as the "newly appointed" Chair of the RNC.
Mr. Steele wasn't appointed by anyone. He was duly elected by the national committeepersons of the Republican National Committee representing every state and territory.

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