Monday, April 20, 2009

Danzel & Son Eye Penn

From our friend Dan Gross at the Philadelphia Daily News:
Oscar-wiining actor Denzel Washington did a good job going incognito while visiting the Penn campus Friday with his family on a tour for incoming students.
Washington, with about a week's growth of beard, a baseball cap and sweats, strolled around Penn with wife Pauletta and their children, twins Olivia and Malcolm, who turned 18 on that day.
Malcolm was accepted to study at Penn and, we're told, will start this fall. While touring the campus, Denzel and Malcolm - named after Malcolm X, whom Washington famously portrayed in Spike Lee's film - dropped by the Palestra, where Malcolm participated last summer in a basketball camp.
"We can't give out the names of any students who have applied to Penn," a university spokeswoman told us yesterday, when we asked if Malcolm would be starting there in the fall.
Be sure to read Dan Gross in the Daily News every day and check out his great blog Philly Gossip!

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