Monday, April 20, 2009

Jay Leno As Susan Boyle


  1. The real Susan Boyle was inspirational. Apparantely the American Dream still is alive, albeit in the village of Blackburn in Scotland. It was one of the most moving things I've ever seen. "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth."

  2. So I just watched the clip again to take it in fully. I didn't really get to see it in it's right light earlier... (not this one the real one) Watch her face when she receives each and every yes. Total unabashed excitement and joy. It's refreshing. Watch her hand shake at the ending interview. Words can't explain the feelings one gets while watching. Wow. I'm glad I got to see that clip and I hope her star continues to shine. In an industry that hinges on waist size, hair color and make-up, she comes along and tears down those walls. In a time of Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson, a time where looks are more important than talent, she turns the prevailing thoughts upside down. Thank God. Oh and Jay Leno can go screw himself for making fun of her. Never in his life would he be able to relate, understand and really get her. Jay has never grasped that concept, when you have over a hundred uneeded cars and a garage big enough to house them, your realness and your respect sort of lingers in the air somewhere in between the bathroom and the garbage shoot. A few descriptive words come to mind but I have neither the time nor the need to use them. People understand the shallowness of Jay Leno and the feel the real everyday qualities of Susan Boyle. And for some strange reason I have a feeling that there's some sort of cosmic righteousness involved in that. Jay has millions, Susan has her voice, you decide whats better in the long run.

  3. Sean:
    I always appreciate your perceptive observations.
    It will be interesting to see what happens to Susan Boyle and if and how fame changes her.
    Just remember: Leno was once just a homely, somewhat chubby, struggling young comedian.
    And of course long before Susan Boyle there was a gal with a beutiful voice named Kate Smith. Kate Smith was no raging beauty but she had a magical way with songs (and, later, with some hockey teams).
    What do they all have in common? I think it's called authenticity.
