Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Husband's Ashes Become Diamond

From Flash News:
Losing a loved one can be hard, but bling-bling can ease a little of the pain.
LifeGem, a company which turns the cremated remains of those who’ve passed into diamonds, has just helped Judge Linda Baer say goodbye to her late husband, New Jersey Senator Byron Baer, with a beautiful, two-carat yellow diamond made from his ashes.

Baer turned her hubby into a ring, which she wears at all times, and says, “Byron was very much my soul mate. I wanted something to remember him by. All I have to do is look down at my hand and Byron is there. It makes me feel like I’m surrounded by love.”

Baer plans on passing the ring down to her daughter, and maybe having herself turned into a diamond upon her death and set alongside her husband on the ring.

Company co-founder Dean VandenBiesen says the gems help mourners feel close to their departed loved ones and saves them a trip to the cemetery.

1 comment:

  1. Something about this doesn't sit with me. I can't explain it but it seems a little wrong. I guess if it makes ya happy... but still it seems wrong.
