Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Top Ten Tax Mistakes

From MSN and Flash News here are the Top Ten Tax Mistakes:

  • Forgetting to sign and date your return,
  • Claiming the wrong filing status.
  • Omitting or using wrong Social Security numbers.
  • Failing to use correct forms and schedules.
  • Claiming ineligible dependents.
  • Misusing – or not using – the earned-income credit.
  • Losing receipts.
  • Failing to report domestic workers.
  • Failing to report all income.
  • Failing to check for the alternative minimum tax.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really great top ten list. Keeping good records and a hold f all documents like receipts is really important. I have a folder I start at the beginning of each year that stay out in my office so that I don't forget. Make sure you put it where you can see it everyday. You can post this to our site and then link back to your site. We are looking for top ten lists and our users can track back to your site. The coolest feature is you can let other people vote on the rankings of your list.
