Saturday, April 4, 2009

Obama Speech: Nonsense

Obama's speech in Europe on America's "arrogance" was a mea culpa couched in seemingly balanced tones.
It is typical of Obama to proclaim a new path while appearing to hedge and balance.
Using his ever-trusty teleprompter the President appears to self-edit as he virtually apologizes to the Europeans (and praises their ill-conceived "union") while pretending to seek a higher level of responsibility from them.
As a public speaker Obama is increasingly pedantic. The prompter forces him to look from side to side as he feigns a balancing act on subjects that he has crammed on. Many, many issues and subjects are tackled (all seemingly in some detail) but very little appears to have been thought through. Instead, Obama issues broad edicts and challenges while bobbing and weaving.
Most celebrity circuit speakers can get by on this as they move from one city to another giving luncheon or after-dinner speeches while they promote their latest book, TV appearance or whatever.
But the President of the United States? Not quite.
This is likely to wear thin real fast.
While our "rock star President" is busy hobnobbing with royalty and engaging in tedious rhetoric abroad, more people are out of work and things look bleaker by the moment at home.
While Americans are suffering, the President is across the pond and referring to his own countrymen as "arrogant, dismissive" and "derisive."
Meanwhile, back in the good 'ole USA, anxiety is building and the clock is ticking, Mr. President!

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