Saturday, April 4, 2009

Summers Raked In $$$

From at Timothy J. Burger and Kristin Jensen at Bloomberg:
Lawrence Summers, director of President Barack Obama’s National Economic Council, earned millions working at a hedge fund and speaking to banks such as Citigroup Inc. that later received taxpayer bailout money.
Hedge fund D.E. Shaw & Co. paid Summers more than $5 million in salary and other compensation in the past 16 months, according to a financial disclosure form released by the White House yesterday. Summers served as a managing director at the New York-based firm. Summers, a former Treasury secretary, also earned more than $2.7 million in speaking fees. . . .

Summers spoke to Citigroup, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. audiences twice last year, according to his disclosure statement. Lehman, which went bankrupt in September, paid Summers $67,500 for an engagement on July 30, the filing showed.
Summers contributed a $45,000 fee from Merrill Lynch & Co. for a Nov. 12 speech to charity, according to his form. When the economist learned that Merrill would be accepting taxpayer funds because of its merger with
Bank of America Corp., he tried unsuccessfully to cancel the appearance and then decided to donate the money, a White House official said.
“In ordinary times, a U.S. economic expert receiving honoraria from U.S. banks wouldn’t raise many eyebrows -- nor would a money-making stint in the private sector,” said
Rogan Kersh, a public-service professor at New York University. “These aren’t ordinary times, and as populist anger at the banking and hedge-fund industries continues to spread, Summers could have some serious explaining to do.”
The American economy is now being run by a financial elite that constitutes a merry-go-round from big "private" financial interests into the government and back again.
Summers, and others who are part of the cash carousel seem to feather their own nests at the nation's (and taxpayers') expense!
For more on this read Simon Johnson's The Quiet Coup in The Atlantic.

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