Monday, June 15, 2009

Find Hidden Designer Bags

From Flash News:
Purse-crazy gals in New York need to hunt for their handbags.
Designer Rachel Nasvik has taken a different approach at marketing her handbags. She hides a few in different areas around New York City and posts clues on her Twitter page for those who want a shot at finding one.
Those who discover a bag will find a note inside that reads, “You did not find this bag; this bag found you. Lucky.”
Nasvik says that so far the women out hunting for her handbags have been “well-behaved,” not getting into catfights or ravaging through the city.
However, she did create a bit of a melee when she posted that there were four bags hidden in Union Square Park recently.
Crazed fashionistas were seen running around the park in droves rummaging through bushes trying to find a bag.
Nasvik is happy to get people out and excited about her brand.

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