Monday, June 15, 2009

Fire David Letterman!

Fire David Letterman Rally Set for Tuesday
The backlash over David Letterman's jokes about the Palin family has now resulted in full blown rallies being organized to get him fired. Tuesday, a "Fire David Letterman" protest will take place outside his studio, as calls for his firing get louder.
DATE: Tuesday, June 16th
TIME: 4:30 PM
PLACE: Ed Sullivan Theater, 1697 Broadway, New York City


1 comment:

  1. I HAVE ALREAD FILED A REPORT TO THE FCC, UNDER OBJECTABLE COMMENTS ON THE AIR. I THINK THIS WOULD HELP GETTING HIM OFF THE AIR, IF THE FCC HITS THEM WITH A LARGE FINE. THE MOST DISGUSTING REMARKS - WHATEVER GIRL HE MEANT - WAS THE IMPLICATION THAT A-Rod and Eliot Spitzer were child molesters. This remark could only have brought more pain to the Spitzer adult children and his wife. Letterman should not throw stones at anyone - he became a father in his mid 50s. I want him off as badly as I wanted Imus to have remained in his show...he genuinely apologized...Letterman will never do that.
