Monday, June 15, 2009

Stop Bashing Palin Family!

From Leo Shishmanian at The Examiner:
It is time to get off the backs of Sarah Palin and her family. She is in Republican leadership by virtue of her position and party popularity so she’ll be in the news. And it is fine to analyze her policy positions, her governance and her command of the issues and criticize her when appropriate. That should be done with every candidate, even liberal socialist darlings like President Obama. If Palin is to be the Republican presidential candidate in 2012, she’ll have to prove herself just like every other potential candidate. If the MSM had done its job in 2008, we might have had different outcomes in the primaries and election. Unfortunately, while the attacks on Palin and her family are unprecedented, they are probably just a taste of what will come against conservatives and Republicans in future election cycles.
No one is suggesting that Palin should get a free pass. But she and her family, and all conservatives in politics and their families, should be treated with the same dignity, respect and honor that the MSM gives all Democrat and liberal candidates and policy-makers. The personal attacks against Palin have gone on for far too long and have long since passed the boundaries of fairness.
I’m sure Palin is strong enough to handle it. The problem is, she shouldn’t have to.

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