Monday, August 24, 2009

Blast Pallone On Obamacare

Monmouth County (NJ) Republican Chairman Joseph Oxley called on 6th Congressional District residents to speak out against Congressman Frank Pallone’s plan to raise taxes while cutting health care services for Americans.
“In a televised interview, Frank Pallone recently revealed his and the liberal Democrats’ plan for healthcare of higher taxes and cuts to doctors, nurses and hospitals,” said Oxley. “Frank Pallone is out of touch with New Jersey families. He wants us to pay more for less coverage. It’s vital that citizens speak out against this disastrous scheme for the American healthcare system.”
Frank Pallone is holding a town hall meeting tomorrow (Tuesday, August 25) at the Red Bank Middle School, 101 Harding Road, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
The Monmouth County Republicans recently launched an internet video criticizing Pallone’s position and urging citizens to let their voices be heard. The video can be viewed at

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