Monday, August 24, 2009

GOP To Corzine: Disclose All

New Jersey Republican State Committee Chairman Jay Webber today issued the following statement calling on Governor Corzine to heed his own calls for transparency and disclose all information and documentation relating to his lobbying activity undertaken while serving as an executive at Goldman Sachs:
"After failing to make good on his promises to be fully transparent with New Jersey's finances, Governor Corzine finds himself with his back to the wall in this campaign and has suddenly rediscovered his interest in disclosure. The governor should follow his own calls for disclosure and immediately release all of his activities in lobbying the Clinton Administration to change its position toward Monthly Income Preferred Shares (MIPS). The taxpayers deserve an explanation of Governor Corzine's full-court press lobbying activities that benefitted him personally as an executive at Goldman Sachs. Just as importantly, Governor Corzine needs to explain the way in which he affected federal tax law to protect the benefits he enjoyed."

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