Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Corzine's Tweets: Dreamland!

New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine should be careful what he tweets.

Yesterday, he boasted that his financial experience prevented this economic downturn.

Given the dire state of New Jersey's economy and Governor Corzine's role presiding over increasingly bloated budgets, it is offensive for him to flat out ignore the serious economic problems facing our state.

New Jersey's unemployment rate has gone from 4.8% at the beginning of Corzine's term to 9.2% today. (Bureau of Labor Statistics Website, Accessed: 07/16/09)

New Jersey's unemployment rate is the highest it has been in 32 years. (Bureau of Labor Statistics Website, Accessed: 07/16/09)

From December 2008 to May 2009, the average monthly drop was 16,000 New Jersey jobs. (Press Release, "New Jersey Employment Declined in May by 6200 Jobs," New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development, 06/17/09)

Jon Corzine will leave FY2011 with an $8 billion deficit. (Josh Margolin, "N.J. short $8 billion, report say," The Star-Ledger, 07/22/2009)

New Jersey ranks first in the nation in overall tax burden - a position it's held three years running. (The Tax Foundation Website,, Accessed: 07/08/09)

New Jersey property taxes have risen almost 55% in 7 years - twice the rate of inflation. (Department of Community Affairs, Division of Local Government Services Website,, Accessed 6/4/09)

Governor Corzine's 2010 budget raises taxes by another $1.2 billion.

(FY 2010 Budget)

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