Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Toomey: Obamacare 'Extremism'

The negative reaction Senator Arlen Specter received yesterday at a town hall meeting on health care in Lebanon, PA is a demonstration of the growing frustration and concern shared by taxpayers across Pennsylvania.
“The health care plan Senator Specter supports reflects the kind of political extremism that results from complete Democratic control of Washington,” said U.S. Senate candidate Pat Toomey. “Arlen Specter is giving the Democrats in Congress a blank check that will take us down the wrong path.”
“People across Pennsylvania have real concerns about the cost and intrusiveness of the government-run health care plan Arlen Specter supports. They deserve reforms that will lower the cost of health care and give them more choices, not government control, higher taxes, and a larger deficit. If elected to the U.S. Senate, I will work tirelessly to find real solutions to our health care problems through increased choice, personal ownership, and competition.”

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