Thursday, September 10, 2009

'No!' To Corzine's Attacks

Jon Corzine's Negative Attacks Give "Mud-Slinging a Bad Name"
(Editorial, "Can N.J. be fooled by fake scandal?" Trentonian, 09/02/09)

"Gov. Jon Corzine's desperate attempts to gain some traction in his flailing re-election bid continue to plumb new depths of sleaziness." (Editorial, "No sense of decency," Asbury Park Press, 08/28/09)

"...the campaign of Gov. Jon S. Corzine is raising trivial issues while the state's economy continues to flounder." (Editorial, "Christie chuckles on the campaign trail," Daily Record, 08/28/09)

"Gov. Corzine is scrounging for issues to resuscitate his flat-lining re-election campaign." (Editorial, "Read This, Guv," Trentonian, 09/03/09)

"While politicians drag campaigns into the gutter they lose track of soaring property taxes, huge projected budget deficits and court rulings that say towns can't control their destiny through zoning." (Bob Ingle, "Ladies, gentlemen, children of all ages..." Gannett, 08/30/09)

"Maybe it should come as no surprise that the Corzine re-election campaign is serving up smear and innuendo on an intelligence-insulting level that gives mud-slinging a bad name." (Editorial, "Can N.J. be fooled by fake scandal?" Trentonian, 09/02/09)
"Hopefully, voters will recognize these down-and-dirty tactics and demand that he crawl out of the mud for the last leg of the campaign."
(Editorial, "No sense of decency," Asbury Park Press, 08/28/09)

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