Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Scandal of NJ Roads

Today, Senator Andy Ciesla, member and former Chairman of the New Jersey State Senate Transportation Committee, made the following statement on the condition of New Jersey's roads:
"Yesterday, a Courier-Post op-ed highlighted the unacceptable and embarrassing state of New Jersey's roads. According to recent data from Transportation for America, a full 28 percent of New Jersey's roads are ranked in "poor condition," which is appalling compared to the national average of 5.8 percent.
"During four years as governor, Jon Corzine has bankrupted the Transportation Trust Fund, yet
failed to deliver quality roads in a sustainable, cost-effective way. It is a wasteful and thoughtless approach. New Jersey's residents need well-maintained roads and our taxpayers deserve accountability for the billions appropriated for road projects each year."

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