Friday, October 30, 2009

Corzine Eyes Toll Hikes, Again!

Yesterday, Chris Christie released the following statement in reaction to Jon Corzine's comments to The New York Times that he is rethinking his monetization plan and is more than willing to raise tolls on already overtaxed New Jerseyans.
"Just today, Governor Corzine has admitted to The New York Times that he plans to revisit his ludicrous and misguided 800 percent toll hike plan even though New Jerseyans soundly rejected it the first time around.
"As if $9 billion in new taxes, the highest tax burden in the country and the highest property taxes in the nation isn't enough, Jon Corzine wants to pay off the debt he's created by making suffocating New Jerseyans pay even more in the form of an 800 percent toll hike.
"Let's face it, Jon Corzine likes raising taxes and he's never going to stop doing it."

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