Friday, October 30, 2009

More Corzine Toll Hikes?

Today, New Jersey Assemblyman Jon Bramnick released the following statement in reaction to Jon Corzine's comments to The New York Times that he is again more than willing to raise tolls on already overtaxed New Jerseyans.
"Jon Corzine can't be trusted to handle our economy or look out for taxpayers. Governor Corzine has proven over and over that his first, last and only option is to take more tax dollars from our families. After increasing taxes, tolls, and fees, Governor Corzine now wants to revive his failed toll increase plan and raise the gas tax.
"Enough is enough. New Jerseyans are overtaxed, out of work and in need of relief. Chris Christie will cut taxes, lower spending and restore the property tax rebates."

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