Sunday, October 18, 2009

Courier News, Post Like Christie

Isn't it interesting that two real New Jersey newspapers have endorsed Chris Christie for Governor while two phony, out-of-state interlopers have endorsed Corzine?
Yes. it's interesting and telling.
First, let's get to the hometown newspapers -- the papers that ordinary New Jerseyans actually read.
Right in the heart of the state, the Courier News wisely notes that Chris Christie really has presented a detailed, sensible plan to cut state spending, eliminate waste and trim taxes. Here's what the newspaper says:
"Fact is, Christie has offered many specific ideas on how to cut government spending, mirroring much of Gannett New Jersey's own 20-point plan to ease New Jersey's tax crush. Pension reforms, requirements for public employees to contribute more toward their benefits, a two-thirds legislative supermajority for all tax increases — they've all been proposed by Christie, along with many other initiatives."
And closer to home South Jersey's largest newspaper, the Courier Post has also endorsed Christie and lambasted both Corzine and Daggett. From the Courier Post:
"Corzine's record is clear, and as a result he shouldn't even be in the discussion as a gubernatorial preference. His first term in office has been a total failure." "Taxes have continued to skyrocket, and any attempts at spending reforms have been minimal and to negligible effect.
"Christie has offered many specific ideas on how to cut government spending . . . Pension reforms, requirements for public employees to contribute more toward their benefits, a two-thirds legislative supermajority for all tax increases - they've all been proposed by Christie, along with many other initiatives.
"If voters genuinely want to change the reckless, unethical culture of Trenton, Daggett's not the way to go. And another four years of Corzine certainly won't do it. Chris Christie should be the clear choice as the only candidate exhibiting the courage to meaningfully talk about what the state can't afford.
And those other two phony across-the-river newspapers?
Right now I'd rather not even mention them.
Let's just call them what they are: A couple of whiny old ladies well into their dottage who are either teetering on the brink of bankruptcy or well into life-threatening debt.


  1. Is cutting spending alone going to be enough to eliminate the budget deficit? Is there enough left to cut without totally crippling the government?

    Even if Christie is elected, will he be able to avoid raising taxes at some point? Will simply cutting spending be enough to both balance the budget and allow for a tax cut?

  2. Among the three candidates Christie has the best shot of doing what he says he's gonna do.
    And yes, I think he's thought it through as best as possible.
    To me, it isn't even close.
    If anyone's gonna get it done, it's Chris.
