Friday, October 16, 2009

Hiding Behind Photo Ops

Today, Governor Corzine's running mate, Senator Loretta Weinberg, makes a stop at New Jersey's Hispanic Chamber of Commerce luncheon for a photo-op to distract from Governor Corzine's failed economic record - including 9.8% state unemployment and at least 11.5% unemployment among Hispanics. New Jerseyans face the highest property taxes and highest overall tax burden in the nation, and Weinberg herself has admitted that our taxes are too high. Will Weinberg take the time today to explain how Governor Corzine's plans to raise taxes on gasoline and income even higher will help businesses in the state?
"Senator Weinberg said it herself - taxes on New Jerseyans are too high. In fact, our business tax climate is the worst in the nation. This Governor's tax increases have forced businesses, jobs and families out of the state," said New Jersey Republican State Committee Chairman Jay Webber. "These failed policies have hurt Hispanic New Jerseyans especially. Our Hispanic communities, like everyone else in our state, need the tax cuts Chris Christie will deliver."

Hispanic Unemployment In New Jersey Is At 11.5%
(Algernon Austin, "Unequal Unemployment," Economic Policy Institute Issue Brief, 7/21/09)

Loretta Weinberg: "I agree, taxes are too high."

(News12/101.5 Debate, 10/08/09)

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