Friday, January 1, 2010

100,000 VISITS! WOW!

As fate would have it, just a few moments before midnight last night we welcomed our 100,000th visitor to this blog.
This momentous event was quickly marked by fireworks and celebration throughout the world, including right here on the beach in Hilton Head. Right after we reached the Magic Number, we shut down the computer, arrived on the beach just in the nick of time and watched the midnight fireworks over the ocean.
It was absolutely grand.
Now that we've passed this milestone, we continue to grow and improve for you.
So, stay with us in 2010.
This is gonna be a HUGE year and, God willing, we plan to be there all the way.
Watch this space and HAPPY NEW YEAR!


  1. Congrats! Nothing brings me more pleasure than seeing a fellow Conservative blogger succeed!

    I have a few suggestions to continue on your succees.

    1. Write more original content, and gain an account on - Trust me!

    2. Link sites such as and the site I write on, - and make sure you linked us, because we will link back.

    3. Occassional pictures of Carrie Prejean.....brings in a whole lot of hits.

    Best of luck

  2. Kudos here, too. I eagerly look forward to my daily dose of Cirucci
