Friday, January 1, 2010

Hilton Head Polar Bear Plunge

Like I said, New Year's Day is a really goofy "holiday."
It's largely meaningless.
So, people have to make up wacky events to give it some meaning.
Polar bear plunges are now popular throughout the world. The idea is that even though it's January 1, you should pretend it's July.
We went down to the beach today to watch the plunge at Hilton Head. It's an annual tradition at Coligny Beach. It's organized by no one as far as we can tell and the idea is pure frivolity.
And people love it, as these pictures demonstrate.
Hey, it could have been worse. They could have been at Bar Harbor Maine or somesuch. Here, the water temperature was in the 50s -- warm enough that you could be tempted.
I did say "tempted," didn't I.
Well, not at all of us actually follow our temptations.
BTW: Thanks to Atlanta Bread Company for the free hot chocolate and cookies. A real classy touch!

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