Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Scott Brown Shows The Way!

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Scott Brown and President Kennedy are two different people, from different parties and different eras, but they agree that broad-based tax cuts will create jobs and stimulate the economy.
Brown and others like him are charting the future of a revitalized Republican Party but, more importantly, they are showing the way forward for our country.
Scott Brown is running a great campaign and he deserves your support. To contribute to Scott brown click here.

Look at what others are saying about Scott and his message:

“For Brown, JFK transcends party lines” – Headline from today’s Boston Globe.

“Republican Scott Brown wants Massachusetts voters to think of another telegenic politician when they step into the voting booth next month — Democrat John F. Kennedy, the brother of man he is trying to replace.” – Associated Press.

“I love Scott Brown’s new TV spot. When you’re running for the “Kennedy seat,” who better to invoke than Kennedy?” – Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby, via Twitter.

“I think this is a GREAT ad. One of the big problems with a lot of the ads in the primary campaign was that they just blended in, and if you were fast forwarding on DVR you probably didn't see anything that made you stop. The first image in this ad, which clearly notes that JFK is going to discuss a tax cut, catches the eye. Also think it was a smart move by the Brown campaign to just have Senator Brown continue reading from the JFK speech.” – Kennedyseat.com.

“Interesting choice of subject matter for Brown, as he is indeed running for the JFK’s old seat. Obviously, the Kennedys are lining up on the other side, but it’s definitely a valid point to bring up parts of the Kennedy legacy that our friends on the left try to ignore. In fact, as the left has insisted on tying ObamaCare to Ted Kennedy’s ghost, it’s probably a good idea to remind people that the Kennedys were not single-issue candidates – and that Ted’s legacy and Jack’s legacy are not entirely the same.
Adam Brickley on race42008.com.

“Brilliant.” – Matt Margolis on hubpolitics.com.

“Clever and powerful.” – Brian Maloney on savewrko.com

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