Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome Aimee Cirucci!

For two years all of the posts here have been mine.
But with the dawn of 2010, we welcome a new writer who joins the staff - Aimee Cirucci.
Aimee Cirucci is a Philadelphia-area educator, writer, and communications professional.
She teaches public relations writing to undergraduates in the Strategic and Organizational Communications program at Temple University where she has received her MS in Communications. She is also the Web Communications Coordinator for K'Nex Brands.
A graduate of Wake Forest University, Aimee advises select public relations clients on a freelance basis.
As a freelance writer Aimee often focuses on women, family, and relationships.
Her articles and personal essays have appeared on numerous websites including: Absolute Write, Identity Theory, The Imperfect Parent, The Savvy Gal, Sister Divas Magazine, and Women’s Web.
Aimee spent seven years practicing public relations and marketing in Washington DC where her work appeared in national trade publications and newsletters. She has also provided pro bono writing and media relations services to the American Red Cross.
You can find Aimee's first contribution to this site directly below this announcement.
As you might imagine, we've known Aimee for a long time and we're big fans of hers and delighted to have her on board.
Go, Aimee!

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