Thursday, March 25, 2010

Christie Gets School Boards' Support

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has released the following statement praising the support of the New Jersey School Boards Association in encouraging collaboration and compromise between school boards and local education associations in finding budget solutions:
“Only by compromise and working together can we protect our educational priorities and avoid the path to higher property taxes, staff and teacher layoffs and undercutting the quality of our children’s education. In the end, hunkering down and grudgingly adhering to the narrow self-interests of the few, versus standing up for the wider public interest, will indeed hurt our children. We know that there are many rank and file teachers out there who know in their hearts that a practical response and short-term sacrifice is the right approach and in the interests of the entire community of teachers. Unfortunately, this position is not shared by those who profess to lead and represent them. Working together, we can all get through this and minimize the pain of our fiscal crisis on our schools, employees and our children.
“I want to thank the New Jersey School Boards Association for their support and encouragement in finding workable, common sense budget solutions for local school districts. I encourage collaboration and compromise between school boards, teachers and the local collective bargaining units in adopting my recommendations so that we can see our way through these difficult times. I am heartened and gratified that the NJSBA has joined me in promoting these solutions.”

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