Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rob Andrews' Vote: Bought And Paid For?

In the wake of Rob Andrews’ outlandish vote in favor of nationalized healthcare, First District Congressional Candidate Dale Glading is questioning whether cash contributions from lobbyists influenced the career politician’s decision.

“Rob Andrews supported ridiculously expensive and undemocratic legislation against the will of South Jersey voters,” said Glading. “Now we know why Rob turned a deaf ear to the voters who elected him. His vote for this horrible bill was purchased by the deep pockets of the health care industry.”

According to a report in The New Jersey Star-Ledger, Rob Andrews has received $954,930 in campaign contributions from health care lobbyists. (“N.J. lawmakers play key roles in passing U.S. health care bill,” 3/21/10). Having accepted almost one million dollars from the health industry, concerned South Jerseyans want to know who Rob Andrews really works for: the taxpayers or the special interests?

“That kind of money doesn’t come without strings attached,” added Glading. “After 20 years as a Washington insider, Rob Andrews has lost touch with the working men and women of the First District. Today, he’s nothing more than a puppet of the lobbyists and special interest groups.”

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