Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Conservatives Applaud Christie Decision

Americans for Prosperity is congratulating Governor Christie for his decision to not re-nominate Supreme Court Justice John E. Wallace.
Governor Christie announced [yesterday] that he would replace Justice Wallace with attorney Anne M. Patterson, a partner at the law firm Riker Danzig.
“The Governor deserves credit for making good on his promise to change the makeup of the court,” said Steve Lonegan, Americans for Prosperity State Director.
“The New Jersey Supreme Court has become one of the most activist courts in the nation. This is a court that routinely makes law from the bench, ignores our state constitution, and usurps the authority of the other branches of government.”
“The court’s outrageous Abbott and Mount Laurel decisions are a major reason for the state’s fiscal problems,” continued Lonegan. “The Governor’s decision to replace Justice Wallace, an activist judge who supported Abbott, with a more conservative judge bodes well for rolling back these rulings that have inflicted enormous damaged on our state.”
Lonegan credited the members of his organization for fighting the Wallace reappointment and called the Governor’s decision a victory for conservatives.
“Americans for Prosperity activists who have called their legislators and the Governor’s office over the past two weeks were instrumental in persuading Mr. Christie to make good on his promise to change the makeup of the court,” said Lonegan. “Make no mistake; this is a big victory for conservatives and a potentially historic change for New Jersey.”

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