Monday, May 3, 2010

Senators Praise Christie Court Selection

New Jersey Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean responded to today’s announcement by Governor Christie that he has nominated Anne Patterson to serve on the New Jersey Supreme Court:
“I fully support the nomination of Anne Patterson to the New Jersey Supreme Court. She is an extraordinary person who is eminently qualified to serve on our state’s highest court. “Governor Christie has consistently stated that he believes the Court needs a change. The Governor’s decision was based on the merits, and his constitutional authority to appoint his choice. “I urge the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the Senate as a whole, to consider this nomination based on the merits of the candidate in a fair and timely manner. I know that upon review, my colleagues will find that Anne Patterson is well-qualified and capable of serving on the New Jersey Supreme Court.”

Senator Kip Bateman (R-16), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, praised Governor Christie’s selection of Anne Patterson to serve on the New Jersey Supreme Court.
“The Governor’s nomination of Anne Patterson to the Supreme Court shows that he is serious about putting the most qualified individuals on the bench. Ms. Patterson has a rock-solid reputation as one of the brightest legal minds in our state. Governor Christie could not have picked a more qualified individual to serve on the Supreme Court.
“As a member of the Judiciary Committee, I look forward to reviewing this nomination with my colleagues. I am certain that once Ms. Patterson’s record is reviewed, the committee will agree that she is more than qualified for the job.”
Senator Joe Kyrillos (R-13), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, called on Senate President Steve Sweeney and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Nicholas Scutari to schedule hearings to consider the nomination of Anne Patterson to the New Jersey Supreme Court.
“Anne Patterson is an exceptionally strong candidate who will serve people of New Jersey well on the Supreme Court. She is highly respected by her peers in the legal community, and is more than qualified to serve on the Court.
“With this nomination, Governor Christie has begun to fulfill his promise to change the Supreme Court and make New Jersey more affordable by nominating justices who understand the limited role of the Court in deciding whether laws are constitutional or unconstitutional.
“Governor Christie has fulfilled his obligation to nominate a qualified candidate to the Court, and now it’s time for the Senate to act. I am sure that enough information on Ms. Patterson will be available shortly to allow for prompt and timely hearings to consider her nomination. I hope my colleagues, Senate President Sweeney and Chairman Scutari, will not delay and schedule hearings and a fair up or down vote.”

Senator Gerald Cardinale (R-39), the ranking Republican member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, announced his support for Governor Chris Christie’s decision to not reappoint Associate Justice John Wallace to the New Jersey Supreme Court. Cardinale stated:
“I would like to express my support for Governor Christie’s efforts to reform the New Jersey Supreme Court.
The people of our state elected Governor Christie to change New Jersey, and that change cannot succeed without making changes in the Supreme Court.
“The Supreme Court was the engineer behind some of the most expensive and misguided policies that now plague our state, resulting in tens of billions of taxpayer dollars being wasted on continually failing Abbott schools and unnecessary COAH developments. This extrajudicial policymaking has resulted in skyrocketing property taxes, without the realization of any discernable benefit.
“Like many of us, I believe that Governor Christie realizes that we cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the Supreme Court any longer. Quite simply, today’s actions are necessary if our efforts to make New Jersey more affordable are to succeed.”

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