Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bloomberg, Sestak Defend Mosque Stance

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg came to Philadelphia yesterday to campaign for Democrat senate candidate Congressman Joe Sestak but things didn't work out as planned.
It seems that Bloomberg and Sestak ran headlong into the Ground Zero mosque controversy.
Michael Howard Saul of the Wall Street Journal writes about the campaign stop and says this:
Bloomberg and Sestak, speaking under a blazing sun in the parking lot of a shopping plaza, responded to a flurry of inquiries from reporters and at least one member of the crowd about their position on the proposal to build an Islamic center two blocks from the site of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Well, we all know that Bloomberg has supported the building of the mosque (and his poll numbers have tumbled because of it) but it seems that Joe Sestak also supports the proposal.
Frankly, we don't see Sestak's stance helping his campaign.
You can read Saul's full story at the Wall Street Journal.

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