Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New York Dems AWOL On Mosque Controversy

It's funny how leading New York Democrats suddenly grow shy and silent (or disappear altogether) when the Ground Zero Mosque controversy comes up -- especially lately.
It seems that even media-crazed grandstanders like Chuck Schumer have been willing to do little more than issue vague, nebulous statements as they attempt to sneak away from the issue.
Matthew Shaffer has a great story about this at National Review.
Shaffer makes this observation:
It seems like everyone is talking about the Ground Zero mosque. Everyone, that is, except for the host state’s Democratic leadership. . . .
Who knew that New York Democrats could suddenly become so reticent?
Read Shaffer's full story at National Review.


  1. The Victory Mosque is just the visible tip of a very large iceberg. Beneath the surface of Western societies, Muslims are waging a campaign of infiltration, subversion, sedition and social sabotage, with the objective of destroying our countries and way of life from within.

  2. Can't say it any better than what trencherbone wrote. The Libs have no where to go on this one except further down the toilet
