Thursday, August 19, 2010

Christie Gains NJ Voters Confidence, Scores High

The Quinnipiac University poll is out today with great news for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
Here are some of the highlights:

New Jersey Gov. Christopher Christie is winning the hearts and minds of New Jersey voters who approve 51 – 36 percent of the job he is doing and say 51 – 39 percent that the Governor is more a “leader” than a “bully,” according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. . . .
In today’s survey, Christie gets a 75 – 13 percent thumbs up from Republicans and a 61 – 29 percent approval from independent voters. Democrats disapprove 63 – 24 percent. The Governor’s approval rating is higher than for other players in Trenton:

  • Voters disapprove 28 – 17 percent of the way the State Senate Majority Leader Stephen Sweeney is doing his job, with 55 percent undecided;
  • Voters split 19 – 19 percent in their approval of Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver, with 63 percent undecided; ·
  • Voters disapprove 45 – 28 percent of the State Assembly; ·
  • Voters disapprove 46 – 30 percent of the State Senate. . . .

Most New Jersey voters give Christie passing grades after six months in office:

  • 15 percent give him an A;
  • 32 percent give him a B;
  • 20 percent give him a C;
  • 16 percent give him a D;
  • 14 percent give him an F. . . .
President Barack Obama’s approval rating has dropped to an all-time low in New Jersey, a split 47 – 47 percent, down from a 50 – 46 percent approval rating June 17. Democrats approve of the President 80 – 16 percent while Republicans disapprove 80 – 14 percent. Independent voters disapprove 53 – 41 percent, compared to a 52 – 45 percent disapproval June 17.
From August 9 – 17, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,190 New Jersey voters, with a margin of error of +/- 2.8 percentage points.

Read more about the poll at Quinnipiac.

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