Thursday, August 19, 2010

Having A Right vs. The Right Thing To Do

The Daily Local News of West Chester is out with a fine, well-crafted editorial on the Ground Zero mosque.
Here's part of what it says:
There are dozens of mosques already in the New York City area where American and foreign Muslims are free to practice their religion daily. This fact is testament to the religious freedom that exists in this country. America is a country where different religions are not only tolerated, but celebrated.
However, to most Americans the site where the Twin Towers used to stand — buildings that were attacked for being symbolic of Western dynamism and culture — is now hallowed ground. . . .
There is a difference between what is legal in this country and what is right. . . .
Americans retain the right to peacefully protest this plan, which some understandably see as an affront to the memory of the victims and heroes who died there.
Voluntarily moving the mosque to a different location would show the world that America's Muslim leaders can be sensitive as to the feelings of non-Muslims, just as we expect our leaders to be when it comes to treating our Muslim brothers with respect that is their due as human beings.
You owe it to yourself to read the whole editorial at the Daily Local News.

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