Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Reid/Angle Battle Now Neck 'N Neck

Adam Nagourney of the New York Times has a look at the Harry Reid/Sharron Angle brawl in Nevada.
Yes, Angle has gotten off to a rocky start.
And yes, Reid is a veteran political street-fighter.
But here's part of what Nagourney says:
If Mr. Reid is doing better than he once was, it is still relative; he is a politician in deep trouble. A Mason-Dixon poll last week found that 51 percent of Nevadans held an unfavorable opinion of him, a toxic number for an incumbent. That poll found Mr. Reid and Ms. Angle in an effective tie.
“I’ll say this about Angle: I still think when we get to the end, it’s still going to be about Harry Reid and whether Nevada voters want to get rid of him and send a message to Washington,” said Brad Coker, managing director of Mason-Dixon. “They may still hold their nose and vote for Sharron Angle even if they don’t agree with a lot of things that she says and does.”
The full story at the New York Times is worth a read.

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