Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Christie Kicks Off Tour; Presses Bold Reform Agenda

In a visit to Wayne today, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie held a town hall with New Jersey families to outline a bold reform agenda for a stronger New Jersey. The stop serves as the beginning of an ongoing conversation with New Jerseyans to underscore the urgent need for action over the next 107 days, before the legislature concludes its fall calendar on December 20th, to reform and rebuild New Jersey.
The Governor’s remarks touched on the early successes of his administration in bringing real, bipartisan solutions to the critical challenges faced by the state, including closing an $11 billion budget deficit without tax increases, passing Cap 2.0 to bring real property tax relief, and the first steps toward pension and benefit reform. Governor Christie called on the legislature to deliver for New Jersey families by acting on his proposals this fall, including the pending “took kit” legislation to give local governments the tools to control costs and limit property taxes. The legislative leadership identified September as the end of their timetable for action on these critical bills.
Coinciding with today’s town hall and kick off of Governor Christie’s Reform Agenda, the Governor’s Office relaunched the Reform Agenda Website, www.nj.gov/governor/reformagenda, and released a new web-video, “The Clock Starts Now,” on Governor Christie’s YouTube site to underscore the urgency with the public of taking action on these measures.
“When I became governor, I made a promise to the people of New Jersey that I would use every power and authority of this office and every ounce of my energy to make their lives better, bring accountability and responsibility to their government and give them hope for a better future in our State,” said Governor Christie. “We have made great progress since January, but we can and must go further to fix our state. Today marks the next stage of our efforts to bring reform for a stronger New Jersey.”
At the town hall, Governor Christie discussed the long-standing problems confronting New Jersey and the past failure of both parties to provide the long-term solutions demanded by the people. In stark contrast, the Christie Reform Agenda provides comprehensive solutions to some of the most pressing issues facing New Jersey, including ethics, pension and benefits, economic development and education.
The Christie Reform Agenda: Bold Reform for a Stronger New Jersey:
· Ethics Reform: Creating A New Climate That Encourages Accountability And Results;
· Pension & Benefits Reform: Taking Strong Action to Overhaul An Unreformed Pension and Benefits System On The Brink Of Insolvency;
· Economic Development: Creating Quality Paying Jobs and Making New Jersey a Home for Growth; and,
· Education Reform: Bringing Dramatic Change to a Costly System That is Failing Too Many of New Jersey's Children.

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