Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Senate Hopeful Toomey Launches New Ad Campaign

Pennsylvania U. S. Senate candidate and former small business owner Pat Toomey kicked off the post-Labor Day homestretch of the campaign by releasing two new television ads highlighting his optimistic vision for the future of Pennsylvania and the country and the important differences between his vision and the Washington-based vision of his opponent, Congressman Joe Sestak. In the first ad, “Focus,” Pat talks about how important it is to bring change to Washington by reducing the debt, creating jobs, and protecting taxpayers.  Specifically, he talks about the recent birth of this third child, Duncan Toomey, and how it focused his attention more than ever on the importance of fighting for our children’s future.
“Pennsylvanians have the clearest choice in America this year between Pat’s optimistic vision for job creation, fiscal responsibility, and balance in Washington, and Joe Sestak’s failed policies of more government, higher debt, and fewer jobs,” Toomey Communications Director Nachama Soloveichik said.  “Already, voters are rallying to Pat’s policies for creating jobs and rejecting Sestak’s destructive policies that have resulted in a 9.6% unemployment rate.”

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