Monday, September 20, 2010

Christie Launches Interactive 'Reform NJ' Site

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has announced the launch of an interactive web page, “The Christie Fall Reform Agenda: Rethink, Reform, Rebuild NJ,” on his official website, The web page features a video, released last week, titled “The Clock Starts Now” underscoring the urgency of taking action on these measures.
The web page will serve as a platform for New Jerseyans to become involved in the Governor’s reform efforts and to share ideas on how to improve the State. Visitors to the web page can find Christie Reform Agenda fact sheets and a newsfeed consistently updated with press releases and news articles. Twitter and Facebook feeds are displayed on the Reform Agenda web page and social media users are encouraged to share their ideas on Twitter using the #ChristieReform hashtag or on the Governor’s Facebook fan page.
The Christie Reform Agenda provides comprehensive solutions to some of the most pressing issues facing New Jersey, including ethics, pension and benefits, economic development and education. Please visit Governor Christie’s Fall Reform Agenda webpage at and check for updates on the Governor’s Facebook Page or on Twitter under the #ChristieReform hashtag.

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