Monday, September 20, 2010

PA.: Observers See Toomey Pulling Away

Keen observers of the Pennsylvania Senate race see GOP candidate Pat Toomey pulling away in the Keystone State. Here are some samples of what people are saying:

  • “Pat Toomey, the Republican nominee, is now the clear favorite to win the Senate seat.  It’s not even particularly close.” (Larry Sabato, Fox News, 09/13/10)

  • “Toomey is a proven vote getter.” (PowerLine, 09/12/10)

  • “You could imagine Toomey changing the political landscape because he has the ability to persuade.” (Rich Lowry, National Review, 09/14/10)

  • “Democrats’ attempt to link GOP Senate candidate Pat Toomey to the worst of Wall Street excesses is disingenuous, at best.  At worst it’s not true  . . . Sestak needs to clean up his act, and he should disavow the deceptive ads pedaled by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.” (Lancaster New Era/Intelligencer Journal, 09/14/10)

  • “Toomey, who ran unopposed in the primary, is now heavily favored to win the seat in November.” (Wall Street Journal, 09/14/10)

  • “Well the latest Lauren is, frankly, more of the same, and that is bad news if you are Joe Sestak.  Toomey leads by 8 percentage points in this race . . . What’s noteworthy here is that the polling shows no positive movement for Sestak even though he has now gotten into the TV attack game.” (Bruce Gordon, WTXF FOX, 09/15/10)

  • “I look at Pat Toomey now, and I hate to say this, that’s a guy who’s going to win.” (Chris Matthews, MSNBC, Hardball, 09/15/10)

  • “Pennsylvania also looks good for Republicans: their candidate there, Pat Toomey, has slowly expanded his polling lead over the Democrat, Joe Sestak, and is now more than 90 percent likely to win the seat, formerly held by Arlen Specter, whom Mr. Sestak defeated in the Democratic primary.” (Nate Silver, New York Times, 09/16/10)

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