Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Obama Insults The Nation's Canines

As a dog-owner himself, you'd think President Obama would have more respect for canines.
But yesterday at a big union Labor Day rally in Milwaukee, the President complained about his critics saying: "They talk about me like a dog."
Mr. President you have insulted dogs and their owners.
Dog lovers have nothing but praise and admiration for their dogs.
In fact, you'd be lucky to have them talk about you "like a dog".
Americans love dogs.
But right now, every poll shows that most of us are simply not prepared to heap that kind of praise on or show that kind of affection toward you.
Given the choice between you and their dogs, most dog-owners would . . .  . Well, Mr. President we think you know how they'd choose.
We won't make you feel any worse by rubbing it in.
We'll just say be thankful for your own dog and don't insult him because you're gonna need him in the days between now and November 2.
Indeed, Harry Truman was right when he said: "If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog."

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