Monday, September 6, 2010

Those Cherry Hill Rumors About The Next Mayor

Rumors abound in Cherry Hill that the next Mayor of the town will be Camden County Freeholder and DRPA Vice-Chair Jeff Nash.
Forget that the Mayor/Council election is more than a year away (November, 2011).
Forget that current Mayor Bernie Platt's term will not end until January, 2012.
Forget that voters will have the ultimate say in all this in the June 2011 primary and the fall general election.
The persistent rumor is that the powerful Democrat Party of Camden County (and/or Cherry Hill) has already settled on Nash. Case Closed.
But why would Nash want to leave his other posts (the right and proper course of action under the circumstances) to be Mayor of Cherry Hill? He has a safe seat on the Freeholder Board and his DRPA term continues beyond Governor Christie's current term as Governor. So Nash is presumably safe on the DRPA Board as well.
Still, the DRPA is now mired in a huge brouhaha over (surprise!) unscrupulous practices. And it's clear the Governor has the controversial agency in his sights.
Plus, there's really no excitement in being a Camden County Freeholder, though it is a good place to hide -- and to collect an easy salary that pads one's state pension.
Oh, and there is the matter of Bernie Platt himself. But there seems to be an assumption amongst all concerned that Platt will not seek re-election.
In a way that's a shame because Platt has been a good mayor who's heart is in the right place -- Cherry Hill. But it ain't an easy job. Cherry Hill residents are intelligent, involved, and (often) demanding. And the buck stops at the Mayor's door.
So, again: Why would Nash want to be Mayor?
Or does he really have a choice?
Is this something that he's been told he must do for the good of the party?
Or is all the Jeff Nash talk a cover for some other potential successor to Platt who's waiting (under cover) in the wings?
We don't know.
Only those who sit in the supreme position of controlling the powerful Democrat Party of Camden County seem to have the answers to those questions -- maybe. And maybe they simply haven't made up their minds yet.
Don't your just love local political intrigue?
Anyway, the Camden County GOP Chair has his own views on all of this and you can read that over at his blog by clicking here.
And then there's Gannet NJ senior political columnist Bob Ingle's take on all this. Read that by clicking here.


  1. Hi Dan, hope all is well for you and the family. I've heard the rumors as well and I'm flattered. I do love this town and may consider running if Bernie decides he will not. However, I can assure you and your readers that nothing has been decided. I have a full time job at my firm which is my primary source of income that must be considered. As for pension, that is just not a factor. I have never earned any public income more than my one modest Freeholder salary and the DRPA position is volunteer. Bottom line, I enjoy public service, am proud of the work that my colleagues and I have done through the years to help improve our community and I never speculate what may come next. Best regards, Jeff

  2. Jeff:
    I think you just may be the first political figure to actually respond directly right here on the blog. I give you credit for that.
    I appreciate the fact that you have now brought us up to date on this. And I hope that if and when you do decide to make a move the readers of this blog will be among the first to know.
