Friday, October 1, 2010

Boehner Decries Dems' Vote To Adjourn

Appearing at the weekly Republican leadership press conference, GOP House Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) decried Democratic Leaders’ adjournment for the fall without allowing an up-or-down vote to stop all of the tax increases set to take effect on January 1.  Boehner issued the following statement: “A vote to adjourn this Congress without an up-or-down vote to stop all the tax hikes is a vote to raise taxes and destroy more jobs.  American families and small businesses deserve better.  This Congress has a chance to help end uncertainty for families and small businesses by stopping all the tax hikes set to take effect on January 1.  If Democratic Leaders leave town without stopping all of the tax hikes, they are turning their backs on the American people. 
“With the Pledge to America, Republicans are offering a specific plan to help create jobs, which includes stopping all the tax hikes.  This is an agenda that could be voted on today if the Speaker will allow it.”
NOTE: Following last week’s introduction of the Pledge to America, a new governing agenda for the nation, Republicans today rolled out a pocket card version of the Pledge. The Pledge pocket card enumerates the specific policy proposals of the agenda in a more compact, easy-to-read format. 

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