Friday, October 1, 2010

Coons Led County To Near Bankruptcy

While the Associated Press reports that Democrat U.S. Senate hopeful Chris Coons (D-DE) claims he “successfully restored his county to financial health and is ready to do the same for the federal government,” an examination of Coons’ record as New Castle County Executive shows otherwise.
In fact, by Coon’s own standard, he led the county from being “fundamentally sound” to the verge of bankruptcy in just four years, lamenting that the county was “18 months from being out of money” and “unable to operate.”
As New Castle County’s spending skyrocketed by 10 percent under Coons’ leadership, he shifted the burden for his irresponsibility to taxpayers with three massive property tax hikes of 5 percent, 17.5 percent and 25 percent respectively. In 2008, Fitch Ratings downgraded the county’s “rating outlook” from stable to negative because the county’s cash balances were decreasing under Coons’ reckless stewardship.
“Trailing by double-digits less than 60 days before the election, Chris Coons is desperately attempting to rewrite history and distract voters from his record of out-of-control spending and massive tax hikes as he drove New Castle County to the brink of bankruptcy,” said National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) spokesman Chris Bond. “Delaware voters deserve more than the same reckless, failed economic agenda that Coons has promised to rubberstamp in Washington, and that’s why we’re confident they will elect a fiscally responsible Republican leader to the U.S. Senate this November.”
Click here to help Christine O'Donnell become the next US Senator from Delaware.


  1. Unfortunately, the other choice is a liar who has been framed as a wackjob and has never come close to winning a statewide election. It's really too bad Mike Castle lost the primary.

  2. Yes and no. Castle was never a reliable Republican vote. And, there was a free and open election and Castle lost. Personally, I don;t think Castle should have been as negative as he was against O'Donnell. But maybe it just wasn't his yesr. This is a wild card year -- a year full of game changers. And the surprises ain't over yet. BTW: Coons is no model candidate -- not by a long shot.
