Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Christie Appoints Red Tape Review Commission

Today, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie announced the appointment of members to the newly created Red Tape Review Commission to continue the Administration’s efforts to streamline State government in New Jersey and spur economic activity. The nine-member Commission, created by Executive Order No. 41, will review administrative rules and regulations and solicit public input on regulatory barriers in order to analyze the impact on job creation, economic growth, and investment throughout the State.
“For far too long, New Jersey residents have been faced with layers of burdensome rules and regulations that make it difficult and expensive for New Jersey's businesses to succeed. Regulatory reform is essential for New Jersey to compete in the global economy,” said Governor Chris Christie. “I want to thank each of the new members for their willingness to serve and I look forward to their recommendations on how to improve New Jersey's climate for economic growth and job creation."
“The Red Tape Review Commission will continue to provide an ongoing review of job-killing red tape and will be in a position to advocate for bringing common sense regulation to New Jersey, as required by Executive Order No. 2. Businesses throughout the Garden State can know that eliminating overly burdensome red tape and costly regulatory hurdles remain a top priority of our Administration,” said Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno.
The Commission will be chaired by Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno and include Senator Steven Oroho, Senator Brian P. Stack, Assemblyman John Burzichelli, Assemblyman Scott Rumana, Mayor Brian D. Levine, Edward B. Deutsch, John Galandak, and Tony Monteiro. These direct appointments by the Governor do not require Senate confirmation.
The Commission will make recommendations to the Governor for improving our regulatory climate by providing periodic reports, and serve as an ongoing advisory resource to the Governor. The Commission succeeds the Red Tape Review Group, another bipartisan body with representatives from both the Legislative and Executive Branches of State government that was created by Executive Order No. 3 (2010), and represents the next step in a continuous, concerted effort by the Christie – Guadagno Administration to improve New Jersey’s business climate through the implementation of common sense regulations.

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