Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Is The American Dream Dead?

If you ask anyone what the American dream is, he or she willl tell you it's this: "That my children and grandchildren will live even better than I have. That they will do better. That they will have a better life"
But the belief in that dream is evaporating before our very eyes.
It's dying.
According to a new Bloomberg poll more than 50 percent of those surveyed aren’t confident or are just somewhat confident their children will have better lives than they have.
And many of those surveyed are worried about themselves as well. Pluralities of those polled say they’re not hopeful they will have enough money in retirement and expect they will have to keep working to make up the difference. 
Furthermore, more than half of those contacted describe the deficit as dangerously out of control and a threat to the economic future of the U.S. Less than 5 percent think it will cause no lasting harm.
These are sad figure. Very sad.
And these figures make me angry. Very angry.
But Americans are unfortunately correct to be worried -- very worried.  Because we are saddling our children with less freedom and liberty, less opportunity, more responsibility and enormous debt.
The hour is late. But we can still send a strong message on November 2.  A message that says "we won't let the American dream die. We want it back. And we will fight for it!"
Click here to read the full story on the Bloomberg poll.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. Unfortunately, I'm not convinced either party truly cares about "The American Dream." They pay lip service to it this time every two years, in the name of gaining or keeping the perks that come with their position of power. But once the last polling station closes on Nov. 2, they once again become concerned about nothing more than those who give them the most money - i.e., the wealthy, the corporations and the special interests. For Democrats and Republicans alike, it's all about doing their bidding, and to hell with everyone else.

    And while the Citizens United ruling earlier this year may have been the correct one according to the letter of the constitution, the byproduct of that decision is only going to make this phenomena worse.
