Sunday, October 10, 2010

Courier-Post: Phony Candidate Scheme 'Dishonet'

The media are still all over the so-called "candidate plant" -- the scheme that apparently led the Adler campaign and Camden County Democrats to help engineer the placement of a phony third party candidate on the congressional election ballot in South Jersey.
And the Courier-Post is leading the way with a strong editorial this morning.
Here's part of what it says:
Planting a so-called conservative candidate in a race is ham-fisted at best and wholly dishonest at worst. It reeks of desperation. And it casts an ill light on Adler's campaign and Adler himself, who one Democratic operative told us is a "micro-manager" of his campaign. If that's true, it is hard to imagine Adler wasn't a party to this ploy to splinter the conservative vote. . . .  planting candidates with the sole intention of tricking some voters is absolutely wrong. It is an attempt to subvert the democratic election process. It is something voters in the 3rd District must consider when they go to the polls Nov. 2.
The Courier-Post editorial board says its members will have some tough questions for John Adler when he sits down to meet with them on October 19.
And voters should have tough questions, too.
The time for hiding is over.
Adler and the Democrats should join with the legitimate Tea Party activists and the Runyan campaign and demand that the bogus third-party candidate withdraw from the race. Through a deceptive scheme, the Democrats helped put him there. Now, the Democrats should show him the door.
And Adler and the rest of the Camden County Democrats should come clean.
Click here to read the full Courier-Post editorial.

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