Sunday, October 10, 2010

PA Senate: Odds On Toomey In Home Stretch

Here's What People Are Saying About Pat Tommey and The Pennsylvania Senate Race:
  • “ challenged an ad paid by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee that portrayed Toomey as a pioneer of the derivatives that caused the near-collapse of the financial market.  Toomey, a small-business owner and an investment banker, did not work with the credit default swaps responsible for that meltdown.” (Harrisburg Patriot News, 10/08/10)

  • “Pat Toomey’s message of lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, and reducing the size of government is resonating with voters across the state and I’m proud to support his candidacy for the U.S. Senate.  We need more honest, principled leaders like Pat who are unafraid to do what’s right,” said Governor Luis Fortuno at a press conference to endorse Pat Toomey, 10/08/10)

  • As he campaigns for a return engagement in Washington, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Pat Toomey is striking a balance between conservative policies he embraced during his time in Congress and fresh, bold ideas to kickstart the economy, overhaul health care and revolutionize Social Security. (Wilkes Barre Citizen’s Voice, 10/08/10)

  • “Here’s a theory: Democrat Joe Sestak is tuning into Republican Rick Santorum.   Go to and read the polls in Pennsylvania's Senate race.  Then, look up the polls from 2006 when Mr. Santorum ran against state Treasurer Bob Casey.  The parallels are amazing.  In 51 polls after the May 2006 primary election, Mr. Santorum never got closer than 4 percentage points and lost by 18.” (Scranton Times Tribune, 10/02/10)

  • “A new poll in the Pennsylvania Senate battle indicates Republicans have a good shot at regaining a Democratic-held seat they lost just a little over a year ago.  According to a McClatchy-Marist survey released Monday, 51 percent of likely Pennsylvania voters say they are backing Republican Senate nominee Pat Toomey, with 42 percent supporting Rep Joe Sestak.” (CNN, 10/04/10)

  • “As of today, the DSCC has spent $4 million to defeat Republican Pat Toomey, and they haven’t put a dent in him yet. How badly is his opponent, Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak, doing? Well, he could lose his own Congressional District.” (Washington Examiner, 10/07/10)

  • “Sestak’s lead in his home base is well within the margin of error of the Monmouth University Poll of the district released Thursday.  The poll suggests that Sestak, the two-term congressman who beat Sen. Arlen Specter (D) to snag the party’s Senate nomination this cycle, is beginning to fall behind in his race against Toomey – even in his home base.” (The Hill, 10/07/10)

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