Thursday, October 14, 2010

'Looney Clooney' Meets With President

CNN Reports: "Actor George Clooney paid a visit to the White House on Tuesday to meet with President Barack Obama and discuss his recent trip to southern Sudan."
What makes these Hollywood types think they're so important?
Why did Clooney have to see the President right now?
And why was the President spending his time with Clooney when we're facing very pressing problems right here in America's towns and cities?
Looney Clooney: Get lost!


  1. Probably because the "elites" in Hollywood spend some of their time and money in hell holes such as Sudan. Say what you will about their egos, but it takes a big man or woman to consciously make the decision to travel to places that most of us can't stomach to see in a 30 second commercial. Let me know when any person from your presidential poll - or any front-running Dem for that matter - travels to any place like the Sudan, and holds, and sees, and breathes the same air as a dying child. And if our problems seem too big at home, and "wasted tax dollars" are an issue, I'll buy the plane ticket.

  2. Ouch!
    You really got me that time, Radu.
    Very few people can get me to think second thoughts the way you can.
    Hope all is well.
